
Walkin' in Memphis...

Every July for the past...eh 9 or 10 years (is that about right?) I have gone to
Memphis for a church meeting.
The people at Grace Chapel (the church) are people that I have come
to love so, so much...I can't describe their unending hospitality in words.
Nor could I describe the love they show on their faces to EVERY one.

So last weekend...

Ah. and
I need your opinion.
I don't know how many people read this ol' blog.
I'm not very consistent or eloquent...but
if you read
please give me your opinion or suggestion
on what you like seeing on here, what you would LIKE to see more of or just at all?
I'm going to school in the fall so I don't know how often I'll be able to post...

First and foremost I blog just because I like to.
It's a nice way to really knock into my head what a blessed life I lead.
But I'm in a little bit of a rut right now and would really like your opinion.

Help a ladeh out, eh?

Please and thank you bunches and bunches of oats.


Annie said...

i love this blog of yours! i think my favorite posts feature your photography in some way, & maybe show glimpses and pieces of your town, though i used to really enjoy your outfit posts too. your blog kind of reminds me of olivia's "everyday musings," if that helps you at all. :)

Carol said...

I love reading your blog, Whitney!
I really love all the photos you put up, probably since I'm into that,too. I love the perspective you put into them. And I just like reading about your amazing life. :)

Dani said...

I love reading what you are up to. And since I wasn't able to attend Auburn, I'm looking forward to lots of awesome campus stories and pictures. :)

I've mentioned before, but I'll say it again, you've got a wonderful talent for photography, and I love looking through the pictures.

silenthistorian said...

whit. your window is a view i've never tired of looking through. don't worry about the rut, even if you don't feel as inspired. as the time allows keep posting what catches your eye or heart. you naturally see the beautiful, and whimsical (of course) and you do a fantastic job, sprite. don't overthink it. ;)