

Last Monday my sister, Savanna, graduated from college!
She graduated from Auburn University, our family college.
My parents went to AU, so did some of my uncles and aunts and cousins...etc.
This campus sparks a smidgeon of pride.
A few special things about Auburn:
-When we win football games, we go and roll Toomer's Corner.
-Toomer's drug store has the best lemonade...DEATH by lemonade as I like to call it
it's soooooo sour, but SO delicious.
-Momma G's sandwiches...Momma's love is the best. Along with the sandwiches, they have the best nachos ever! Doritos and cheese. No joke.
-Football games and the spirit that just pours out of the stadium.
-Samford Hall in all its beauty.
There is so much more!

But this post is mostly about my sister.
She's an Interior Design major and rocks at it.
She even graduated Cum Laude!

So we arrived in Auburn and it just so happened to be one of the hottest days this summer! We took the obligatory graduation photos in front of the 'Auburn University' sign with Samford Hall peeking out behind the sign. We went and ate at Momma Goldberg's (Mmmmmomma's love). Then we headed to the auditorium, took our seats, and the sound of 'Pomp and Circumstance' began to fill our ears. There was my sister, sitting in the Human Sciences section, with her cap and gown, about to grab her diploma.

(We then joined our family, Savanna's roommate and her family at Cock of the Walk...this restaurant serves cole slaw, sweet tea, corn bread in mini cast iron frying pans, fried pickles that you dip in ranch dressing, and more...this place is amazing)

She did it.


Owl of the Desert said...

Way to go, Savanna! How have I never heard of Cock of the Walk? This place I must try!

Dani said...

I think I know what new place I'm going to try eating at next time we go to Auburn to visit Benji.

Way to go Savannah!!!